Wilkes County was one of the original counties created from Indian lands in 1773. The legislature designated the county in 1777 and thereafter divided it many times to form other counties. Its name pays homage to John Wilkes who had championed colonists' issues in the British House of Commons prior to the Revolutionary War.
- Wilkes County Government Departments-
Board of Co Board of Commissioners 706-678-2511
Dept. Family & Children's Services 706-678-2814
EMS - Emergency Medical Service 706-678-7837
Extension Service - Univ. of GA 706-678-2332
GA Forestry Commission Wilkes/Lincoln Counties 706-678-2910
Health Dept. 706-678-2622
Magistrate Court 706-678-1881
Parks & Recreation 706-678-1454
Probate Court 706-678-2523
Road Dept. 706-678-7287
Sanitary Landfill 706-678-1655
Senior Citizens Center 706-678-2518
Sheriff's Office 706-678-2224
Superior Court Clerk 706-678-2423
Tax Commissioner's Office 706-678-2422
Voter Registration 706-678-1850